The saga continues
Would you believe they still don't have their luggage?! Well, 3 of the 12 of the misfortunate group have gotten their luggage but that's all. And they only have 4 more days of sightseeing before it's time to board the plane for the long journey home. When I think about this, I consider all the money we wasted buying clothes for the trip. Gee, if only we'd known I'd have bought nothing and saved mollah big time! ;-)
The rumor is that the luggage is to show up tomorrow. Let's hope so!
Unfortunately, this fiasco is taking its toll. I could hear it in his voice. I did direct the conversation away from that to ask him what he's seen (a famous museum today) and what new things he's eaten (lasagna and cheese-covered eggplant) and if he's taken lots of pictures (yes) and if he missed me (yes! so good to hear). When he called they had finished up the day at Florence. They head to Rome tomorrow, stopping at Assisi on the way. They visit the Vatican and Roman ruins, before visiting Pompei and the Isle of Capri. All places I'd love to see so I'm looking forward to seeing his pictures. I'm sure when he shows us his photos, we'll learn more about his travels (he normally talks our ear off but he is, and always has been, uncharacteristically mute on the phone, don't ask me why).
I asked him to call again soon. Hard to believe that in 5 days he'll be home. I do hope that in time he remembers more good than bad about this trip. I know this is a good learning experience for him, but oh, I wish it didn't have to go on so long. Enough is enough already.