Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No rest for the weary

After a long, sleepless night for them and for me, they are on a flight for Germany. Hallelujah!!! It was iffy until the last minute. They had tickets but the flight was overbooked and they were in danger of getting bumped off it and having to spend another horrible night at the airport. But thank God, all worked out and they boarded.

The teacher/group leader told me to pray for stormy weather for other areas so that connecting flights would be late, making room for our group. She meant it jokingly, of course.

All the same, the idea was planted and wandered through my brain throughout the day. I've no idea what magic worked to get them on the flight and I don't care. As my dad is fond of saying, never sniff a gift fish.

By the time they arrive at their final destination, it will be almost 48 hours since we arrived at the airport yesterday morning. And they'll have missed all the sightseeing fun for their first destination city.

Sucks, of course, but whatcha going to do?

Complain to the tour company?

You betcha!

They may not be responsible for the weather but damn it, they could taken better care of these weary travelers. The least they could have done was arrange for hotel rooms for them instead of a dirty, sleepless night at the airport terminal.

My son's response?

"I'm FINE, mom!"

He isn't, I know, I could hear it in his voice, but true to his nature, he doesn't want us to worry.

Please, dear travel gods, please, let the rest of the journey go uneventfully.


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