Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A wish to hear bird song instead

There are certain noises that put me on edge.

The sickening metallic thud of a car crash. Air horns. Rap music. Bug zappers.

Chain saws.

Oh, I hate the sound of chain saws, because in my neighborhood it spells the death of another tree. For 2 days last week, I listened to the unnatural, jarring noise as a stately 60 ft Doug fir met its demise. I wanted to be in my garden but I couldn't stand the noise, so I found work to do inside and played music to mask the racket. I've no idea why the tree was cut down. No disease was apparent, but perhaps it was in the way or the owners were worried about it coming down in wind storms. It doesn't matter why, it's gone and I miss seeing it out my den window.

Today, there is more noise as they regrade or grind the stump or rototill or commit some other action that requires noisy machinery to do the job. My body is tensing and recoiling as if I'm under attack (in a way, I am. I'm enduring an assault on my garden's peace).

I had been looking forward to peaceful garden activity and bird song.



Blogger LeLo said...

Oh sigh. I know this feeling. I think of the birds and wildlife that called this tree home. So sad. I'm right there with you.

7:47 PM  
Blogger bemused said...

Some years ago another neighbor removed 4 trees within 2 days. it was shocking! What was worse was that it was in April, prime time for nesting and babies. It just broke my heart.

I'm planting trees like mad to make up for the loss, but it will take a loooong time before any of my trees attain enough size to make up for the loss of those mature trees.

I realized this morning that another result of the loss of that Doug is the increased summer sunlight we'll get. While I love sun, I don't love summer heat. Oh, dear, another reason to plant another tree (as if I need one - LOL).

7:45 AM  

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