Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Best laid plans...

Nervous mama is back and in full force.

Thunderstorms over Denver delayed their flight almost 4 hours so they missed their flight from DC to Frankfurt. They are spending the night in DC's airport and at this point, they don't know when they will get out. No one can help them until tomorrow morning.

On top of which, one kid lost his passport so he and his mom are stuck in Denver for the moment. And another kid lost his wallet - after our youngest lent him money so our son had to borrow money from another kid to buy dinner tonight. This kid's dad is along so why he had to borrow money from our son is beyond me. But that's our youngest for you - generous to a fault.

Our youngest is frustrated and tired and sounded so close to tears. It kills me that we aren't there to comfort him. We are hoping these are the only glitches for this trip and from here on out, things will go well.

But what a lousy start.


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