Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Luggage, my luggage, my kingdom for my luggage*

*With all due respect to Shakespeare.

Our youngest called home yesterday. Still no luggage so they had to shop for clothes for a few days. In his words, "clothes are expensive here." Great, that's an expense we didn't need.

A friend told me that there is an outlet somewhere in the SE US that processes 500,000 pieces of lost luggage a DAY! Hearing that does not bode well and certainly doesn't spark hope that we'll get the luggage and its contents back. But I'm trying to remain positive.

Other than the problems they've had, it does sound like they are having fun, although hubby said he had to drag out details from our youngest (but that's not unusual). They've toured Gaudi's (Gow-dy) work, an mosaic artist from whom we get the term gaudy. His work is over the top and ornate (bet you could have guessed that!). They were going to a Flamenco performance last night. Today they headed to Provence. Our youngest did say that the tour bus is really nice, "nicer than a school bus." ;-)

Hubby reminded son to call home every day or two, just to let us know how he's doing. I sure hope the luggage finds them and the rest of the trip goes so well, they forget the lousy beginning.

Oh, yes, can't forget to brag a bit. Our youngest made sure to tell hubby that he hasn't lost anything yet. He's so proud of himself for that. And to think that was my biggest worry before the trip. Oh, now naive of me.


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