Zac is an indoor kitty. He has been for almost all of his life; definitely for as long as we've owned him (more than 10 years). His is a good life. We treat him well, love him, keep him from harm and play with him almost as much as he wants us to. He doesn't know that we made this decision because indoor kitties live much longer and much healthier than outdoor kitties but he generally doesn't seem to mind being an indoor kitty (I know my garden's birds live longer with him inside). Zac sneaks outside now and then, but usually we notice immediately and find him no farther than a few feet out the door where he has plopped down, waiting for us to scoop him up, wearing a look that says, "Ha, I did it! I knew I could."
But last night, he pulled a quick getaway - how and when baffles us - and it was at least 2 hours before we noticed he was missing. That was 9pm. Hubby and I looked for him for over an hour inside and out, reviewing clues to see if we could figure out whether he had really gotten outside and, if so, how long ago. I kept hoping that Zac had found a really good hiding spot in the house - one that we had yet to discover - but I realized I was reaching for straws when I caught myself looking in
the most unlikely places for him - like the veggie bin in the refrigerator. (He would have been one cool cat if he'd been there!)
I continued to check for him inside and out until I went to bed about midnight. I said silent prayers that the coyotes wouldn't get him and that he'd come home safe. When I awoke at 4am, I checked for him again. When he didn't come up to me on his soft kitty feet, begging for an early breakfast, as I walked around the house, I knew he was outside for sure. I peered into the darkness, hoping against hope to see his eyes glowing back at me.
Hubby said Zac came to the back door looking all forlorn this morning. "Why didn't you come find me?" as if we'd been playing a game of hide and seek and we'd given up long before he was done playing. I was so relieved he'd come home safe and sound (thank God!) that I hugged him instead of reprimanding him. I've had enough sad events in my life this past year; I don't think I could have handled losing my kitty, too. He's provided much needed pet therapy on many bad days.
All he's doing today is sleeping. Now ain't that just like a 'kid'! Carouse all night, worry the mum and sleep all day.
The little turd butt.
I think I need to go give him another hug. I wonder if he'll notice if my grip is a little fierce...
But last night, he pulled a quick getaway - how and when baffles us - and it was at least 2 hours before we noticed he was missing. That was 9pm. Hubby and I looked for him for over an hour inside and out, reviewing clues to see if we could figure out whether he had really gotten outside and, if so, how long ago. I kept hoping that Zac had found a really good hiding spot in the house - one that we had yet to discover - but I realized I was reaching for straws when I caught myself looking in
the most unlikely places for him - like the veggie bin in the refrigerator. (He would have been one cool cat if he'd been there!)
I continued to check for him inside and out until I went to bed about midnight. I said silent prayers that the coyotes wouldn't get him and that he'd come home safe. When I awoke at 4am, I checked for him again. When he didn't come up to me on his soft kitty feet, begging for an early breakfast, as I walked around the house, I knew he was outside for sure. I peered into the darkness, hoping against hope to see his eyes glowing back at me.
Hubby said Zac came to the back door looking all forlorn this morning. "Why didn't you come find me?" as if we'd been playing a game of hide and seek and we'd given up long before he was done playing. I was so relieved he'd come home safe and sound (thank God!) that I hugged him instead of reprimanding him. I've had enough sad events in my life this past year; I don't think I could have handled losing my kitty, too. He's provided much needed pet therapy on many bad days.
All he's doing today is sleeping. Now ain't that just like a 'kid'! Carouse all night, worry the mum and sleep all day.
The little turd butt.
I think I need to go give him another hug. I wonder if he'll notice if my grip is a little fierce...