Friday, February 03, 2006

My youth, revisited

With the recent demise of "The River," I'm on the hunt for another favorite radio station to add to the preset buttons in my car. I found lots of country (thank you, but no thank you), talk radio (a big, loud NO without even the thank you, with the exception of NPR) and some Christian rock (it's rock, so it has a chance). I also found a surprising number of radio stations playing hits of the '60's and '70's. Some of the songs are as great today as they were back then but others are, uh, well, just plain fun without lasting musical merit. C'mon, admit it, you'd sing along with the Monkee's "Last train to Clarksville" too, for the sheer joy of it. (Just ignore the driver next to you giving you concerned glances.)

What is it with the emergence of classic rock stations beyond our old standby, KGON? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It is wonderful to turn on the radio and hear the songs of my youth. BTO, Eagles and Chicago transport me right back to my high schools days and happy memories of friends who still are a huge part of my life (you know who you are). I know the lyrics, I know the bands and heck, I can even recall the album cover art.

I thought this trend was due to us baby boomers and our wallets but I've learned that '70's rock is popular with today's youth, too. The first song my eldest played on his new electric guitar was "Smoke on the water." We bought him CDs with the best hits of Yes and Aerosmith (I wonder if he's realized that I've borrowed them). When he caught me playing "Boston" fairly loudly, he told me to turn it up. How cool is that? Instead of rolling his eyes at my music choices, he wants to join me. Well, truthfully, not all of my music earn his favor. No matter how hard I try, I can't convince him to like James Taylor, Jim Croce or Carol King. He'd rather listen to Metallica (ugh).

I don't plan to completely relive my youth by donning bell bottoms, love beads and crochet vests (and we thought we looked good!) but I'm loving the plethora of music from those days. Care for a little "Stairway to heaven"? Yes, thank you, don't mind if I do.


Blogger LeLo said...


I think I know all of their songs by heart. And don't even get me started on the ballad that ruled over my junior high school angst, Desperado.

Stairway to Heaven is a classic's classic. In junior high, every dance ended with this song. Sigh. Dancing with your hands in the back pockets of Levis. Now THAT is true romance.

Thanks for the journey. Don't stop believin'.

8:36 PM  

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