Monday, January 23, 2006

Sharing with the Big Dogs

As a driver of a mid-size car, I'm very cautious when I share the road with the "Big Dogs" - the semis that could crush my wee car with barely a scratch on them. I don't pull in front of them, turn or brake suddenly. I stay out of their blindspot. Basically, I stay the heck out of their way whenever possible. Most of the truck drivers I see are good drivers. Most of the time - thank God for that. But there are the ones who pull dangerous crap, which just makes me see red. Like today. As I returned from downtown, the driver of this big blue rig - henceforth to be known as the idiot - was taking the Terwilliger Curves much too fast, barreling down on the poor hapless car behind me. The traffic was too heavy for the car to move out of the way (and I certainly didn't want the idiot riding my tail!). The idiot continued driving like a maniac as we headed south. I was so glad when I reached my exit.

I used to just stew about these drivers, cursing under my breath and wishing we had stick'em dart guns with flags that said "Stupid", as Gallagher suggested in an old comedy routine. When the cops would see a multi-tagged vehicle, they'd pull the jerk over and issue a ticket for being an asshole. Well, I don't have a stick'em dart gun but I've got something almost as good. The dispatch number for Oregon State Police. Yup, I'm armed and dangerous and you can be, too. If you see a trucker - or anyone for that matter - driving like a maniac, putting himself and others at risk, call 503-731-3030. Give them as much identifying information as you can. If you can't get the vehicle license (I couldn't) give them vehicle description, company name, cab number, trailer number, etc - all of that will help. They may not be able to ticket them if they don't catch them in the act but I was told that they will send a warning letter to the company, which ought to get the driver in hot water.

It's not a perfect solution and I'd much rather have a stick-em dart gun - and good aim - but turning in idiots who put others in harms' way is better than stewing in my car.

To the driver from Stoughton Trucking - you've been tagged. Idiot.


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