Sunday, January 22, 2006


I'm un-cool in my 14, soon to be 15, year-old son's eyes. Like that's a big surprise since few teens view their parents as anything but relics of the stone age.

But I thought that the news that I had a blog - something I thought was ultra-hip with the computer generation - would boost my coolness ranking. Boy, was I wrong. When I told him last night, the look he gave me can only be discribed as "Ewwwwwww". Kind of like the look he gives me when I threaten him with a kiss. I guess I'll leave unspoken my question of "Would you like to visit my blog?" I'm afraid his face would take on a look of such revulsion that it might stick permamently that way and I would forever bear the guilt of doing that to my child. I'd make the evening news. Heck, they'd do a segment on Prime Time Live, 20-20 or one of those other news shows about my evil parenting ways. My son would be destined for life as a circus freak or behind a customer service counter. My hubby would leave me. I'd be allowed parental visitation only with supervision to protect my other son. I'd be scorned by society although I think that secretely other parents would come up and share their hush-hush tales of similar un-cool actions.

I think it best that I hide my future forays in to the 'net world from my children. You never know what action will ultimately result in life matching my wacky, far-fetched imagination.


Blogger LeLo said...

Hhahahahhaaha. I've come to realize that people IRL (in real life) aren't really interested in my blog. But I know my mom and dad check into my blog every single day. Ah, for the love of statcounter. :)

8:21 PM  

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