Monday, October 29, 2007

Pushy, rude door-to-door salespeople

What is it about door-to-door salespeople that makes them think they have the right to bother me at home? And what makes them think that the appropriate response to my "No, thank you, I'm not interested, I don't buy from door-to-door salespeople", is to get downright rude and offensive?

Just now, as I worked in my front garden, some guy in a pick-up with a metal box in the back that said "Cascade Summit" drove up, stopped, got out and started giving me whatever spiel he had. I gave him my pat response. He got in his truck and yelled rudely at me.

I responded, "I have the right not to be bothered at home."

As he drove down the street, he yelled, "Quit your yelling and screaming!"

I yelled "Jackass!"

I'm sure he made more comments but I could no longer hear him. Nor could he hear me curse him and call him worse than jackass.

He just reinforced, once again, why I don't buy from door-to-door salespeople.

What a jackass.

If anyone knows who this business could have been (no plausible results to my google search), please let me know. I'll place a complaint.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fortune cookie wisdom

Last night's fortune cookie read "Take some much needed time to relax in the next few days"

This is way better than "take 2 pills and call me in the morning."

And yes, I'm obeying its message (the laundry and cleaning will have to wait) and loving every minute of it!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Night of the Living Dread

Thoughts carom around my brain, like Pong on hyper-drive, bouncing too quickly for me to comprehend them, much less catch and quiet them. I smooth an imagined wrinkle out of my pillow case, move my hair out of my face and adjust the blankets again. Husband lightly snores. Not helping. I jostle the bed. He turns over, breathing more quietly. But then something else annoys me, blocking my quest for slumber. It doesn't matter what the perceived annoyance is, there is no hope. I can't find sleep.

I give up and stumble downstairs, zombie-like. Zac mews softly, welcoming me with hopeful expectation. "Sorry, kitty, it's not breakfast time yet. You've hours to go."

I settle in front of the TV, a cup of Sleepy Time tea in hand. Maybe, just maybe, the combination of somnolent herbs and mindless TV will numb my brain and still my thoughts.

Ugh, it's infomercial after infomercial. I don't like them to begin with but the last thing I need or want was to be greeted with whatever must-have delusion they were pitching. I turn off the TV and sit in the dark, finishing my tea, wondering, "Where the hell are you, Mr. Sandman?"

Sleep finally conquers wakefulness about 3am.

Damn, I hate insomnia.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Stupid driver tricks

Saw a woman flossing her teeth when I drove my oldest to work yesterday. She was in the car behind me at a light. I didn't want to watch - so utterly gross - but I almost couldn't help myself. Must...look...away...

And she had people in the car with her! Yucko!


September was a baaad month for me, hence my silence. I hope to be caught up soon and back to normal, that is, as normal as I get.