Sunday, August 05, 2007

Extreme reaction

Last night, our oldest called us from work (another rite of passage, he's got a job, but that's another blog post). He wanted to know if his friend M could spend the night. He needed a place to stay, he'd been kicked out by his parents.

Wait, WHAT?!?!

Hubby and I were at a loss. We've known M for several years now, he's spent lots of time at our house and he's basically a good kid. What on earth could a 15 year old do that would warrant his parents booting him out of house and home? Our minds whirled.

We said, "yes" tentatively and told our son that we weren't completely comfortable with the situation (what were we getting into the middle of?) but we would not leave M without a place to stay. We also told our son that he needed to ask M what's going on - we needed to know. Do we need to watch M for signs of drug use, theft, dangerous behavior? Do we need to take steps to protect our own family?

Honestly, whatever hubby and I came up with that might warrant such action by M's parents, we could not equate with the kid we've come to know.

In the end, M did not have to leave home. After M's parents blew up and made the ultimatum, they calmed down and changed their minds. They are going to discuss things today. According to our son, blow-ups are a common reaction by M's parents, particularly by M's mom. That's some wacky family dynamics.

We still don't know what caused the situation. But we hope that should we find ourselves in a similar situation, we would react more calmly. We want our sons to know that regardless of circumstances, even when we don't like or approve of what they've done, they can always talk to us, we would always be there for them.


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