Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I drove out of my neighborhood the other day, about a week after Halloween. I saw a few remnants of Halloween decorations and noted the pretty fall colors. And then a neighbor's display had me whipping my head around so sharply, I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I stared in amazement at the scene before me. I couldn't believe what I saw. Christmas decorations!!!! Halloween is barely over, Thanksgiving isn't even here yet and these people have Christmas decorations dotting the lawn and the house already. Holy freak-out!

Maybe I'm becoming a bit of a scrooge but I hate how the holiday season is intruding farther and farther forward into the year. It smacks of commercialism and it dilutes the joy and meaning of the season for me.

Bah, humbug!


Blogger LeLo said...

I'd like to see the holiday decor with halloween decor combo. Or Christmas with Valentines day. We might as well just blend them all in, huh?!

5:45 PM  
Blogger bemused said...

Hey, what a great idea! Let's blend them!

Let's see, Christmas and Valentine's Day share the theme of love (and gifts to loved ones) and the color red. But uh, oh, green, the color of jealousy, is not a good one for Valentine's Day. Maybe we should drop green from Christmas.

Halloween and Thanksgiving share those lovely autumn colors and green works well with them. But Christmas red and Halloween orange? Ewwwww, I don't care what the color mavens say about bending the color rules, I just can't do that one.

So how about this solution? Christmas green comes out to play until New Year's. Christmas red comes out through Valentine's Day, to be replaced with Christmas green as we approach St. Pat's Day. Christmas red comes back for Flag Day, through Independence Day and Labor Day. Christmas green comes back and stays until New Year's. Hey, I got it all worked out!

Oh, but what to do about those pesky themed decorations? I mean, even if Santa is wearing red, it's not exactly the right tone for an Independence Day barbeque, is it?

Okay, so my great idea isn't so great. Maybe we should just give each holiday its own season and not mush them into one blurry-edged celebration.

So who's going to send the memo to my neighbors?

10:08 AM  

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