Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mere inches

That's all there was between my legs and a car bumper this afternoon. The driver backed out of the parking space so quickly, I barely had time to react but thank God, I did. If I hadn't shrieked and slammed my hand on her trunk, she wouldn't have known I was there, wouldn't have stopped and would have run me over! The adrenaline rush spurred anger (insert choice words here) and then shock and nausea. After shouting at her, I had to sit down before I fell down. I have had near misses while driving and I was rear-ended this spring but this is the first time I've ever come close to being a pedestrian casualty. It was very unnerving. Even now, several hours later, I can not believe how close I came to being injured, potentially very seriously. I have to admit that one of my first thoughts was, "How on earth would I get my gardening projects done if I was in a body cast?" Guess you can see where my priorities are.

It was a chilling reminder of what might happen when we are blinded by distraction and the rush, rush, rush of every day life. Be safe out there, everyone. And no cracks about women drivers, please. I was rear-ended by a guy while stopped at a stop sign.

(The driver did look appropriately stunned at what she had almost done, as well she should have.)


Blogger LeLo said...

Oh that's scary. When a pedestrian, I don't trust any car and I'm vigilant in having eye contact with drivers when I cross the street and don't trust that because I have the light doesn't mean drivers will let me have the crosswalk. I see crazy stuff downtown and people who just plow through crosswalks with pedestrians, etc. My other half is a police officer who has been the first on the scene of pedestrians hit by cars, and has had to stand over bodies to direct traffic. After one of those incidents, she looked me in the eye and made me promise to be more careful. And I am.

Thank you for the reminder.

10:51 AM  

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