Monday, June 12, 2006

Freedom and laundry

There is a song going through my head, "Freedom, freeeee-dom", that is driving me crazy (as hubby would say, short trip). It's scrambling around the periphery of my brain, not giving up more than those 2 words nor offering clues to who the singer or band is, other than their sex - male. I'm pretty sure it's a band from the '70's. Pablo Cruise keeps popping into my head but I don't know whether it's my mental needle stuck in the groove or the right answer. If anyone can help, please do!

But anyhoo, the reason it's playing in my head is that it's how I feel. I'm done with my large writing contract. Woo hoo!! I did a final review of my work, dotted my t's and crossed my eyes and sent everything off last Friday. It's rather amazing after all these weeks of work that I find myself sitting at the computer without a pile of notes to sift through and reseach. But it feels so good and I'm not going to have any trouble finding ways to fill my time. One of which is to get back to regular blogging (as if what I blather about is so important, that my absence makes a difference - hah).

So what does laundry have to do with this? Well, nothing really, but I had to share a little lesson I learned this morning. Putting catnip in an old sock for Zac is a great idea until it accidentally gets mixed up in the laundry and goes through the wash. Oops!! I laughed when I pulled it out. It must be okay, though, since Zac is contentedly playing with it, apparently none the wiser for his toy's little misadventure. However, should he start going gaga over our socks and undies, we'll know that catnip is not a good addition to the laundry, after all. Best to stick with the standard cleaning and freshening agents.

I'll be stopping at the pet store to pick up a more traditional catnip holder today. Good idea, huh?


Blogger LeLo said...

Yeah! You're back!!!!!

That's so funny: I had a freedom song stuck in my brain 2 weeks ago. It was the George Michael version though, so I'm not sure which one is in your brain!

Lucky Zach and his freshly laundered catnip toy: lucky kitty!

10:15 AM  
Blogger bemused said...

Yep, I'm back for whatever it's worth. ;-)

The freshly laundered catnip toy didn't hold Zac's attention for long. Perhaps it has to be fresh from the dryer to be appealing. Kind of like how cookies fresh from the oven are completely irrestible.

7:27 PM  

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