Wednesday, March 29, 2006


-ation: suffix meaning action or process, or the result of. Also denotes state, condition or quality of.

I find that first definition amusing since the -ation words that apply to my life at present - procrastination, anticipation, hesitation - imply inaction instead of action. I accepted the writing project I mentioned in an earlier blog, jumping in feet first and willing to take on the challenge. So you'd think - or at least I would - that I'd have waded forward, ever deeper into the project, instead of making a silly attempt to dip my big toe in the water as if I don't realize I'm already fully immersed. How ridiculous!

At first, I tried to understand my crazy ways but then I realized that process would send me wandering down another procrastination sidetrack. (Aaah, my subconscious can be so crafty). My motives and reasons don't matter. I'm resolved to turn my -ation inaction around. Pardon me while I shed my water wings and swim forward. I'm not coming out until I'm all pruney.


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