Saturday, January 27, 2007


My aunt B's a bitch!!!!!

I had to get that off my chest.

I've asked her to stop and yet she just sent me another political agenda email. This one was about a poll that NBC conducted asking people if they believed in God. Guess what, Aunt B, NBC did not conduct such a poll. Other news stations have conducted polls asking people if the phrase "one nation under God" should stay in the Pledge of Allegance or "In God we Trust" should stay on our money but NBC did not conduct a poll asking people if they believed in God.

And the topper was that the email claimed that 86% of people of people believed in God and 14% didn't so why are we letting the 14% rule?


Nothing like a little mob rule to fix things Right, huh.

I sent an email asking her to stop - again. I did not phrase it nicely or diplomatically. Nope, I said it point blank, no ambiguity at all. And I told her if she doesn't stop, I'll stop accepting her emails.

Ahhhh, pounding out my anger on the keyboard feels pretty good. But what I really want to do is hit something, preferably the face of an 88year old female relative.

(See, lelo, I am not always calm when it comes to Aunt B. Damn, but I am pissed.)


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