Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Look back, look foward

It's almost a year since I began to blog, joining the gazillions of bloggers who put forth observations filled with astute wisdom, silly inanities and stupid thoughts (hopefully not too many of the latter on my part). Sometimes I've been proud of my prose, other times, not so much. And yet, I've kept it up, honoring a silent promise to myself to write often in an effort to practice and finetune my craft. I post my thoughts in the very public world of the internet, knowing that I might not work as hard if, instead, I kept a personal for-my-eyes-only journal. I don't falsely flatter myself that the random reader stumbles across my blog and is awed by my words. Oh, no, I know it is my friends and family who stop in and read and for that, I thank you. I hope I've entertained you and not wasted your time.

But I feel I should warn you about what's coming next. I'm going to try poetry from time to time. I'm sure to fall on my face, more often than I would like. However, I'm going to try to not let that stop me as I continue to stretch myself and try new ways of conveying imagery.

I will gladly accept kindly offered and constructive feedback. Oh, and if you have any favorite poets whom you think would be sources of inspiration, please let me know.


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